Eradication of Suffering

Dual Path of Enlightenment Package: Nyaya + Vaisheshik

Embark on a Dual Path of Enlightenment with Nyaya and Vaisheshik!

Package starts 15th August 2023 | On-Demand Recorded Videos | Lifetime Access

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About the course Package : Dual Path of Enlightenment Package: Nyaya + Vaisheshik

1️⃣ वैशेषिक दर्शन : Logic and Realism 

The course offers in-depth knowledge on Vaisheshik Philosophy

2️⃣ न्याय दर्शन: A Philosophy of Perception 

The course offers in-depth knowledge on Nyaya Philosophy

Discover Nyaya's powerful logic and the art of reasoning, while uncovering Vaisheshik's mystical insights into the building blocks of the universe. These two philosophies complement each other, weaving a tapestry of knowledge that unveils the profound nature of reality, mind, and spirit. Embrace a holistic perspective that empowers you with timeless truths for modern living. Whether you're a curious learner or a seasoned seeker, this captivating package promises to ignite your quest for wisdom and unlock the deeper mysteries of existence. Embark on this incredible journey today!

Who is this Package for?

For people curious to explore ancient Indian knowledge from a scientific perspective.

Why should you Buy This Package?

To kindle curisoity within, To get the glimspes of the glorious past of Sanatan Dharma.

What do you get in this Package?

Complete knowledge on Indian Hindu Philosophies and how they relate to our modern world.

Reviews and Testimonials

Join My Quest

I am Vishal Chaurasia, an IIT Patna graduate, determine to get to the bottom of our existence, the origin of universe, and where are we all heading to. I am an avid reader with an undying passion for religious philosophies and modern physics.

Hyper Quest is my attempt to bridge the gap between Science and Dharma, to seek the answers to the life's most difficult questions. If you too are a seeker. Don't wait to join in.

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