Course Notice
Course Notice
वैशेषिक दर्शन: An Introduction
Vaisheshik Darshan : an Introduction
दर्शन क्या है और क्यों आवश्यक है?
दर्शन का स्वरूप कैसा है?
Presentation: दर्शन क्या है?
वैशेषिक का अर्थ और महर्षि कणाद जी का परिचय
Vaisheshik Sutra : Book 1
1.1.1 विषय-प्रस्ताव
Notes 1
1.1.2 अभ्युदय और निःश्रेयस
Notes 2
1.1.3-1.1.4 वैशेषिक दर्शन में 6 पदार्थ
Notes 3
1.1.5 द्रव्यों के प्रकार
Notes 4
1.1.6 गुणों के प्रकार
Notes 5
1.1.7 कर्मों के प्रकार
Notes 6
Notes 7
Notes 8
Old Videos
Chapter 1: The First Sutra
Chapter 1: The First Sutra
Quiz : Chapter 1: The First Sutra
Chapter 2: Definition of Dharma
Chapter 2: Definition of Dharma
Quiz : Chapter 2: Definition of Dharma
Chapter 3: Did Ishwara create Vedas?
Chapter 3: Did Ishwara create Vedas?
Quiz : Chapter 3: Did Ishwara create Vedas?
Chapter 4: The form of Dharma: 6 Padartha
Chapter 4: The form of Dharma: 6 Padartha
Quiz : Chapter 4: The form of Dharma: 6 Padartha
Chapter 5: The Nine Dravyas
Chapter 5: The Nine Dravyas
Chapter 6: The Seventeen Gunas
Chapter 6: The Seventeen Gunas
Chapter 7: Karma and Its Types
Chapter 7: Karma and Its Types
Chapter 8: Similarities in Dravya, Guna and Karma
Chapter 8: Similarities in Dravya, Guna and Karma
Chapter 9: Similarity in Dravya and Guna
Chapter 9: Similarity in Dravya and Guna
Chapter 10: How Karma is different from Dravya and Guna
Chapter 10: How Karma is different from Dravya and Guna
Chapter 11: How Dravya is different from Guna and Karma
Chapter 11: How Dravya is different from Guna and Karma
Preview - वैशेषिक दर्शन : Logic and Realism
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